
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Thursday Thought: Choose Your Own Adventure

I have been thinking a lot about this post recently. Go visit this talented mama writer's blog and see what she has to say about choosing your own adventure as a mom. It'll get you thinking too!
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Wendy Bello said...

So true!!! I need to remember that every single day of my life.

Annett said...

Thanks for the Adventure. That mom is soooo right. As moms we do have the power to determine outcomes. I try often to take a deep breath (and let it out slowly) but sometimes, well, that breath reveals my frustration. LOL I've got an 8 year old daughter who is a drama queen so I take lots of deep breaths. Thankfully God gives me a calmness in the midst of her "storms". Life is good. God is good !!! Thanks, Mary Beth. I always enjoy your blogs.