
Sunday, June 08, 2008

Homeschooling Post

For all of you experienced, beginning, or just-thinking-about-it homeschoolers out there, this post by my friend (and I am proud to call her my friend) Ann Voskamp was a good one to linger over. She has included a ton of links-- so many you could spend all day just investigating her recommendations. On a quiet Sunday such as this one (we are home from church because my 8yo daughter has a terrible cough and my husband is playing guitar for a church that needed him to fill in, so it's just me and the kids), I just might do exactly that!

Also, I have an article appearing over at Heart Of The Matter Online's magazine for my regular monthly column, "Because Life Happens." This article is called, "Making The School Year Easier On The Teacher" and in it I share some little things that I have found make life much easier. As you're planning your upcoming homeschooling year, these might be some things you want to try!
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